New student access - rejection

SBK Tool for Working Students – important change in your data

Dear user,

You have recently used the SBK online tool to assess your employment in terms of social insurance law.

Due to the corona pandemic, the legislator has issued a legal change in the assessment of short-term employment with retroactive effect from 01.03.2020 (limited until 31.10.2020). This change affects the original assessment result and we have corrected it in accordance with the new legal basis. This result applies only if your employment relationship has not changed.

Unfortunately an assessment was not possible in your case, because your data were not correct. Please correct your data by following the link below:


Your username: ###USERNAME###


The confidentiality of your documents is important to us. Therefore, you will receive a separate e-mail with a personal password. Please enter this into the field provided on the website.

Best regards

Your SBK business consultant

SBK Tool for Working Students – important change to your data

Dear user,

Thank you for using the SBK Tool for Working Students.
Unfortunately, in your case we are still missing information about your data. Please correct or complete your information under the following link: 


Your username: ###USERNAME###

The confidentiality of your documents is important to us. Therefore, you will receive your personal password in a separate e-mail. 

Best regards,

Your SBK

SBK Tool for Working Students – your personal password

Dear user,

You have already received the link to correct your data. To be able to change your data, you will now receive your personal password.

Your personal password is ###PASSWORD###

Now you can  easily go to the form with the link from the previous e-mail and correct your information. 

Thank you very much for your help. 

Kind regards

Your SBK